The Best Regimen for Healthy High Porosity Hair!

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Written by Mio Acosta @ayymio

No matter how long you’ve been natural, you know that every washday is like a science experiment.

The washing process is the scientific method and the results are (hopefully) bomb curls! Unfortunately, so many times we put a ton of effort into our washday only to end up with trashy results. Insert Eye roll emoji x1000. Then there are days where you throw something together after a tiresome week and get amazing results on a fluke!

My hypothesis for you is that if you follow this regimen every time, your high porosity hair will get healthier and look better!

Below is my regimen for healthy high porosity hair after a whole year of experimenting.

Daily Regimen (Optional)

Scalp Massage

Healthy, long hair is the goal, right? Scalp massages are what will get you there. The stimulation on your hair follicles encourages your hair to grow. 

Take a couple of drops (2-3) of your favorite oil, rub onto your palms and fingertips or scalp massage tool, and have at it for about 5-15 minutes every day. I’ll admit, it’s not my favorite thing to do, but it is relaxing after a long day and effective long term.

Every Wash Day


The idea of pre-poo’ing or pre-shampoo is to condition the hair so that it is more manageable when washing. It is also so that the shampoo doesn’t leave the hair completely stripped of its natural oils. 

The simplest way to pre-poo is to use an oil of your choice to saturate your hair from root to tip and finger detangle in sections. You can do this step anywhere from 30 minutes to the night prior to your wash day. It is up to you!


Because high porosity hair is extremely porous, it is ideal that you shampoo less and cowash more. Co-washing helps retain the hair’s natural oils while removing buildup. This in turn helps keep moisture in your hair. I am OK with alternating between co-washing and shampooing every other washday, but it’s up to you. 

Make sure to carefully section your hair to detangle. It is also important that you detangle your hair while it’s wet with your conditioner applied. A wide-tooth comb or detangling brush will do the trick. As your hair gets healthier, shedding and breakage will decrease.

Deep Condition 

Deep conditioning is non-negotiable for healthy hair. A protein treatment does not moisturize – you will need to balance protein and moisture with additional protein treatments as needed. Remember that protein helps fill in the gaps in your hair and helps strengthen it. You can do intense protein treatments once a month or once every 6 weeks. I opt to just do a light protein treatment biweekly. 

Fair warning, don’t overdo it with protein. Protein, in excess, blocks out moisture (due to filling in the gaps)  and can make your hair dry and brittle. From experience, protein overload is a terrible thing to deal with! The same goes for over-moisturizing.

Sealing Moisture

High porosity hair absorbs and loses moisture quite quickly, that’s why sealing moisture is a crucial step in this regimen. There are steps you can take after cleansing & conditioning and before styling to start this process. Use cold water when rinsing out any products to help flatten the hair cuticle. A final rinse of diluted apple cider vinegar will also do the trick.

When styling, the L.O.C. Method is key in order to prevent moisture loss. You layer leave-in, oil, and cream to effectively seal in the moisture you’ve applied during your washday.

Take into consideration your hair density so that your hair is sealed but not weighed down or greasy looking.

Other Important Tips For Healthy High Porosity Hair

Here are additional tips to consider as you are perfecting your hair regimen.

    1. Spray water to any dry sections as you style. Products work effectively on damp or wet hair.
    2. Read product labels to ensure the styling products you use don’t cancel each other out (i.e. a product containing glycerine (a humectant) and a product that is meant to be anti-frizz) 
    3. Only refresh as needed – I aim to apply enough product during washday that my hair stays juicy for days.
    4. Silicones are not the enemy, but I do not recommend use due to their tricky nature.
    5. Split ends need to be trimmed occasionally as they will keep splitting all the way up. They also create endless frizz and tangles. No product or treatment can fix broken hair
    6. After washing and styling, leave your hair alone! Over manipulation leads to frizz.

Finally, to protect your hard work, sleep in a satin bonnet or with a silk pillowcase every night!

I know this may seem a bit overwhelming if you are not used to having a full regimen. 

Remember, it’s called a healthy hair journey for a reason, right? You are in control of what you want your end results to be. I know that for me, healthier ends, rapid hair growth & hydrated curls make the work worth it.

Consider this article as your first step in research. Give my high porosity hair regimen a try and keep tweaking & adjusting until you find the best method for your hair! If you are feeling stuck or lost, there is a whole community out there, I included, ready to embrace you! 

Not sure of which products to use to start this regimen? Try these recommendations

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